about me

no spring chicken, 34, diagnosed with lupus and trying to conceive (ttc) come walk with me through my ttc journey!

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Are All Pregnancy Test Kits / Strips The Same?

Unfortunately, No ...
There are good, so-so and 'questionable' pregnancy strips / test kits out there.

Above are pregnancy test strips / kits (HCG) taken when beta HCG level was at about 70 miu/ml.
(What is beta HCG? It is a 'quantitative' HCG level using blood serum)

The top one, claims to be 10 miu/ml ... - and only register a very, very faint line, visible only at certain angle with light.

Second one is Wondfo - 25 miu/ml, line is visibly there. (Yay! This, I am selling!!)

Third is also 25 miu/ml test strip. Also a very faint line. Need super eyes to spot.

Note to self :- POAS is not a cheap hobby! :)

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