about me

no spring chicken, 34, diagnosed with lupus and trying to conceive (ttc) come walk with me through my ttc journey!

Sunday, July 31, 2011

Review :- Clearblue Digital Mid-Stream (With Conception Indicator) - Malaysia

Brand : Clearblue Digital with Conception Indicator
(Comes in a 'single' pack)

Known Sensitivity :- 25miu/ml
Format : Mid-Stream
Cost : RM 29.90 per pc !!!
Total Spent :- RM 59++ for 2 tests

Review :- 
This test is pretty cool but expensive.
Good for confirmation.
No lines. Just words and numbers!
It has an internal battery that will run out after a day or so,quick must take photo!

I remember getting "Pregnant 1-2" back in Jun-11
Then, another "Pregnant 1-2" in Jul-11
Unfortunately one was chemical and the other ended in a miscarriage.

Pros : These digital tests are so cool! Good for confirmation. Not confusing!

Cons : $$$$

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